Casing Crew Field Audit Form "*" indicates required fields Region*Select your locationCorpus Christi, TXMidland, TXKilgore, TXLafayette, LAGreeley, COWashington, PACheyenne, WYCasper, WYAudit InformationAuditor* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Supervisor* Customer* Crew Pusher* Rig* Salesman* Location* Audit conducted during:* Rig-Up During Job Rig-Down EMERGENCY, SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, AND HOUSEKEEPINGDo employees know who to contact in case of emergency?* Yes No N/A Do employees know where the muster points are?* Yes No N/A Are all exits and paths free of obstructions?* Yes No N/A Do all employees have the minimum required safety training?* Yes No N/A Have all employees been trained on the equipment they operate?* Yes No N/A Is the proper safety documentation being completed?* Yes No N/A • Safety Meetings* Yes No N/A • JSA'S* Yes No N/A • Safe Task and Hazard Analysis* Yes No N/A • Job Performance Tickets* Yes No N/A • Equipment Performance Tickets* Yes No N/A Are all employees well rested?* Yes No N/A Is all required PPE being used?* Yes No N/A Is work areas clear of slip, trip, and fall hazards?* Yes No N/A PRE JOB AND RIG-UPDropped objects-personel are in safe zone during overhead lifts* Yes No N/A All tong doors are equiped with functionng safety interlocks* Yes No N/A All danger labels are in place and pinch points painted yellow* Yes No N/A Hand and finger safety-hands off suspended loads and clear of pinch points* Yes No N/A Is company man aware of TRK/PP person in charge?* Yes No N/A Spider mounted on top of rotary is secured from rotating during make-up* Yes No N/A The crew is out of the danger zone, aka line of fire* Yes No N/A The snubline is secured properly and located at 90° to the tong* Yes No N/A Pinch points/obstructions during tong operations were eliminated* Yes No N/A There is a safety cable on the tong spring which is rigged properly* Yes No N/A Tong stand is being used* Yes No N/A Visual inspection of rigging acceptable* Yes No N/A The V-door rope is in good condition and is rigged properly* Yes No N/A An emergency shut off device (ESD) is ran to the rig floor from the power unit* Yes No N/A Whip check are being used on all connections* Yes No N/A Cables and hoses are being lifted to rig floor by hoist* Yes No N/A Rig-Up CommentsDURING JOBJSA was held and documented before running casing* Yes No N/A All side door elevators must have a safety pin & shall be latched & pinned* Yes No N/A Crew is checking to ensure the yc/yt is properly latched before lifting casing* Yes No N/A All bolts on YC/YT are properly secured* Yes No N/A The tong door is being closed before tong is energized* Yes No N/A Bars for spider or elevator are approved and being used properly* Yes No N/A The crew is out of danger zone, aka line of fire during running of casing* Yes No N/A If safety clamp is being utlized, it is being used correctly* Yes No N/A Is comunication effective* Yes No N/A V-door hand and lD/Catwalk operator are using proper hand signals* Yes No N/A Power tongs were properly secured during back out operations* Yes No N/A Were any changes or corrections made during audit? explain below* Yes No N/A Were observation cards utilized if not why, explain below* Yes No N/A During Job CommentsRIG-DOWNJSA/Tailgate meeting held before rig down* Yes No N/A The crew is out of the danger zone aka line of fire during rig down* Yes No N/A The catwalk is clear of personel and obstructions* Yes No N/A The tools are removed from the catwalk* Yes No N/A All tools and accessories have been gathered and stored for departure* Yes No N/A Rig-Down CommentsDEBRIEFINGAuditor discussed this audit with the creew beefore leaving location.* Yes No N/A Discussion included at minimum what went well and gaps found* Yes No N/A Auditor asked supervisor about any issues with tools* Yes No N/A Auditor disscused with crew about what did not go as planned* Yes No N/A Auditor asked if any suggestions for next job. eplain in comments* Yes No N/A Company man provided auditor with feed back when signing out* Yes No N/A Debriefing CommentsAUDITS SHOULD BE DONE ON 25% OF JOBS AND TURNED IN TO SAFETY DEPARTMENT FOR PROCESSINGCORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN FOR IDENTIFIED GAPS, IMPROVEMENTS OR NON-COMPLIANCE FINDINGSAdd entries as neededCorrective Action PlanDESCRIPTION OF GAP / IMPROVEMENTS OR NON COMPLIANCEACTION OR IMPROVEMENT PLANSASSIGNED TOTARGET DATE Add RemoveDid Crew Meet Safety Expectations?* Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Did Crew Meet Performance Expectations?* Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Did Equipment Meet Expectations?* Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor CASING CREW EVALUATIONAdd entries as needed1 UNACCEPTABLE 2 SHOWS SIGNIFICANT WEAKNESS 3 SHOWS MINOR WEAKNESS 4 MEETS REQUIRMENTS OF JOB 5 EXCEEDS REQUIRENETS FOR JOBCasing Crew EvaluationScore Add RemoveNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ